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Crime & Traffic
If you have been charged, or think you will be charged, the most important thing to do is to speak to your lawyer immediately.
Crime & Traffic Law
Unfortunately, at some point in time, you may find yourself charged with an offence. If you have been charged, or think you will be charged, the most important thing to do is to speak to your lawyer immediately. Your lawyer will be able to advise you on what you should say based on your specific situation.
Most importantly, you need to speak to a lawyer who understands the Court process and what you should do. You also need a lawyer who is understanding, approachable, determined and tenacious – someone who will fight for your rights and act in your best interest.
At Selvaggio Lawyers we can help you with bail applications, mentions, hearings, trials and sentencing in a number of areas of the law. We offer advice and representation for clients in drink driving (DUI) matters, speeding and traffic offences, assault charges, Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO) and a range of other criminal matters.